Trafficking Cocaine
Featured Case Result:
Charges Dismissed
Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1).
District Judge:
Sentence Guidelines:
10 Years - Life In Prison
Mandatory Minimum:
10 Years
Case Result:
United States v. K.C. – Federal Cocaine Distribution Charges Dismissed
K.C. was arrested at Miami International Airport as he was about to depart with a one-
way ticket to the Dominican Republic. He was charged with Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine in
violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1) and 841(b)(1)(A). The Government alleged that he conspired
with others to coordinate a 150-kilogram cocaine transaction, from Puerto Rico to New Jersey
via private jet. If convicted, K.C. was facing life in prison. First, we set the matter for a bond
hearing as the Government was seeking his detention. After a contentious hearing, we convinced
the judge that K.C. deserved a bond and she authorized one. We also immediately started
defending the case and gathered as much information as possible relating to the flight, the
manifest, and potential alibis. In the course of doing so, we proved that K.C. was constantly and
legitimately coordinating with several companies for services including the chartering of
aircrafts as part of his employment for popular rap/urban artists. Essentially through phone
records, social media, and other investigations, we were able to show that he simply was not
aware of the chartered aircraft containing 150-kilograms of cocaine. We continued investigating
the matter further and provided the Government with the information needed to secure the
Government’s agreement to dismiss all charges.